Thursday 22 December 2011

21st on the 21st of December 2011 ♥

My 21st birthday at Lippo Carita 

watch it! I'm lovin' it 
‎:') no other words that can be spoken, other than thank you all ♥.♥

Saturday 26 November 2011

Happy Newborn Cherisse ♥

October 8th 2011, 9.30 am, Grha Kedoya Hospital
Welcome you! Newborn Baby ♥
♥ Chelsea Valerie & Cherisse Valencia ♥

 November 8th, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday, lovely Cherisse! ♥

Happy Celebration, Djojosantoso Family! ♥

Sunday 13 November 2011


What this world needs is a new kind of army - the army of the kind. ~Cleveland Amory

Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how.
"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
~Mark Twain
"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you.
 - not because they are nice, but because you are -"

Sunday 9 October 2011

Happy Mommy's Day! ♥

♥ 09. 10. 11 
♥ Peach Rose   
♥ Special to Our beloved Mom (˘⌣˘)ε˘`) 

 Best Regards, 

♥ 3 adorable daughters 


Sunday 25 September 2011

Retreat: "Shining Together In Lord's Love"

Retreat "STILL" PD Lumina Gracia
5th - 7th of November 2010
Tower of Blessings, Cipanas
P.S: Watch the video, it reveals everything!
(Copyright by: Lidya Kosasih's blog)

"We will shine together in Lord's love!" - PD Lumina Gratia

Saturday 24 September 2011

Retreat: "Made to Last"

Retreat "Made to Last" PD Lumina Gratia
December 17th-19th, 2009
PGI Pondok Remaja, Puncak

"Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever are always precious moments, because we live in YOU."

Neither 1st, nor 2nd.

One day, something happened randomly. Apparently, it was neither the first time, nor the second times. But I knew that's life. And let say, those were precious lessons, experiences, memories, or even fortunes which had fulfilled and overwhelmed my previous years. mm.. I was imagining, it might be really fun, lovely and adorable, if only those were not a true story, or just a kind of fairytale, but ...
.. again and again ..
".. I am really grateful .."
".. okay it's hurt .."

... recognizing that was a true story ...
".. Thank you, Lord! At last, You've given me the definite answer .."

Sunday 11 September 2011

Farewell Dinner of Student Board 2010-2011

Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya adalah sebuah organisasi mahasiswa yang berkedudukan di bawah naungan Sekolah Bisnis S1 Prasetiya Mulya, yang mewakili dan menghimpun para mahasiswa S1 Prasetiya Mulya dalam setiap kegiatan kemahasiswaan. Organisasi Student Board ini bersifat mandiri, demokratis, bebas, bertanggung jawab, serta tidak berafiliasi pada partai politik, suku, agama, ras dan golongan tertentu.
Pada mulanya, Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya didirikan pada tanggal 27 Maret 2007. Dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, organisasi yang lebih akrab disebut Student Board ini pun terus mengalami penyempurnaan dan pengembangan pada setiap periode kepengurusannya. Ada pun visi dan misi utama dari Student Board, yakni:
Menjadi organisasi yang mampu mengembangkan kreativitas, kompetensi, dan kredibilitas mahasiswa S1 Bisnis Prasetiya Mulya demi mencapai tujuan yakni menjadi future business champion.
-            Mengembangkan jiwa entrepreneurship dan profesionalisme melalui kegiatan-kegiatan mandiri yang positif.

-            Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan seluruh komponen internal Prasetiya Mulya maupun dengan pihak eksternal yang dapat mendukung S1 Bisnis Prasetiya Mulya demi meraih visinya.

        Setiap organisasi memiliki badan pengurus dan juga anggota. Yang merupakan anggota dari Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya adalah seluruh mahasiswa-mahasiswi S1 Prasetiya Mulya sendiri. Sedangkan, badan pengurus dari Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang telah melalui tahap seleksi. Kini, Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya telah melakukan regenerasi periode kepengurusan 2011-2012. Regenerasi serah-terima jabatan kepengurusan Student Board periode 2010-2011 kabinet Dommy-Viera”, kepada kepengurusan periode 2011-2012 kabinet “Dhana-Fira” akan dilaksanakan secara resmi pada Selasa, 13 September 2011.

Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya 2010-2011
“Optimizing Student Board as a representative of student.”
(documented: August 23rd, 2010)
 "Farewell Dinner of Student Board 2010-2011"
 Thursday, September 8th 2011.

Badan Pengurus Harian
Ketua             : Dommy Admoko
Wakil Ketua  : Viera Lutvia Anjani
Sekretaris      : Nadya Augustya
Bendahara     : Devi Delicia
Dommy. Nadya. Devi. Viera.
Divisi Art and Skill
Koordinator      : Irma Savitri Sani
Anggota            : Ray Andreti
Andre. Irma.
Divisi Personal Development
Koordinator      : Ranggaswara Prasetya
Anggota            : Benedikta Atika, Dionisius Aldo
Aldo. Atika. Rangga.
Divisi Sports
Koordinator      : Hendy Hedriatma
Anggota            : Fransiskus Asisi, Lidya Trilestari Kosasih
Fransi. Hendy. Lidya.
Divisi Social and Religious
Koordinator      : Gilang Derana
Anggota            : Andhika Ramdan, A. Budi Susilo
Gilang. Budi. Dhika.
Divisi Public Relation
Koordinator      : Alyshia Amalia
Anggota            : Aditya Pradhana, Johanes Andrew, Yoan Natalia
Dhana. Yoan. Andrew.
Divisi Research and Development
Koordinator      : Dimas Ekoprasetyo
Anggota            : Arissa Wihardja, Indra Mangala Masli, Sofyan Suparjo
Dimas. Sofyan. Arissa. Indra.

Great Team! Great People!
"Will miss you, teammates!"
Student Board S1 Prasetiya Mulya 2010-2011
(documented: September 8th, 2011)

Monday 5 September 2011

Hi, Genie!

New to The Genie? It's simple and powerful. Simply search for an item on any major search engine and the Genie instantly appears finding you the lowest prices.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Top 10 The Most Beautiful Beach in The World!

1. Fernando de Noronha

Mungkin pantai terindah di dunia ini yang dimana hanya segelintir orang saja yang tahu. Salah satu Unesco World Heritage Site ini merupakan “The most beautiful marine park in the World”

2. Maldives

The best CALM BEACHES in the world. Indah, tenang, modern dan secluded. Kombinasi yang amat jarang ditemukan di pantai-pantai di dunia ini. Selamat datang di Maldives.

3. Anguilla

Peringkat pertama di top 10 World Best beaches of 2005 Discovery Channel Travel and Adventure tentunya bukan cuma omong kosong. Anguilla punya segalanya. Ketenangan, kebersihan, modern, lengkap dengan kehidupan pulau kecilnya yang benar-benar “carribean”

4. Boracay, filipina

Pantai terindah, dan terbiru di lautan Pacific.

5. Horseshoe Bay

Bermuda merupakan salah satu tempat termahal untuk berwisata pantai di dunia ini. Tapi itu tidak menghalangi ribuan turis datang mengunjungi pulau ini setiap tahunnya. Cuaca yang bersahabat, calm water and waves, crystal clear water, dan pasir pinknya Horseshoey bay nyaris tak ada tandingannya di belahan planet ini. The best beach and island in Carribean!

6. Kondoi, Coral beach Okinawa, jepang

Okinawa. Kepulauan teraman di dunia ini. Pintu rumah-rumah penduduknya saja tidak pernah terkunci. 3 dari 10 orang tertua di dunia ini tinggal di kepulauan ini. Hasil dari suasana pedesaan jepang yang khas berpadu dengan pantai-pantai indah.

7. Lanikai Beach, Hawai

Pantai ini tidak begitu besar, tapi merupakan pantai dengan air terjernih dan terbiru di Hawai. Lengkap dengan pemandangan dua pulau kecil yang bernama Mokuluas di kejauhan. Selamat tinggal waikiki!

8. Mnmbe Lodge, Tanzania

Pantai terindah di Benua Africa, walau tidak terletak di Africa mainland. Perjalanan ke zanzibar tidaklah mudah, tapi jika anda telah samapai di pantai ini, semuanya serasa menjadi berharga.

9. Tulum Beach, Mexico

Salah satu resort pertama yang ada di Mexico. Mungkin dari ratusan tahun sebelumnya juga sudah dipakai oleh Bangsa Maya sebagai resort. Pernah bermimpi berenang di Pantai yang berpasir putih, tenang dan relax diiringi oleh Background piramid-piramid maya.

10. Whitehaven, Australia

7 Kilometer Pantai Pasir putih terbersih dan salah satu yang paling terisolir di dunia tentunya sudah pasti bisa mencukupi kebutuhan relaxing kita, bukan? Kacamata hitam adalah keharusan di pantai ini karena begitu putihnya pasir pantai ini.


Monday 22 August 2011

What is My Shopping Genie?

Release the Power of MyShoppingGenie to Instantly Find the Best Bargains!

MyShoppingGenie is an innovative online shopping App that instantly finds the best deals and lowest prices on millions of products.

It's fast, it's easy, and best of all, it's free!

Unlock the bargain finding power of MyShoppingGenie simply by using your favorite major search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Enter your chosen item and MyShoppingGenie instantly springs into action thoroughly searching the Internet, including major online retailer and auction sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Wal-Mart and the top shopping engines.

 Find great deals at over 200,000 stores, liquidators and product manufacturers, including over 1,000,000 coupons and special offers.

Save on over 250 Million Products!
Find great deals at over 200,000 stores, liquidators and product manufacturers,
including over 1,000,000 coupons and special offers.
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The MyShoppingGenie shopping and search App does not collect, save or transmit any information about you, your computer, your search habits, your email address, your Internet connection or anything else.
We also certify that the MyShoppingGenie App contains no adware, spyware, malware or anything else that interferes with the operation of your computer or your privacy. The Genie App only appears on your computer screen when you open and use a major search engine.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get your own shopping Genie ! ;;)

*this was reposted from: 

Sunday 21 August 2011


 At 3 years ''Mommy I love you."
At 10 years ''Mom whatever."
At 16 years "My Mom is so annoying." 
At 18 years "I'm leaving this house."
At 25 years ''Mom, u were right''. 
At 30 years ''I want to go to Mom's house." 
At 50 years ''I don't want to lose my Mom." 
At 70 years "I would give up everything to have my Mom here with me."

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Get your own Genie!

My Shopping Genie

Hey, what is your behaviour profile?

Hey! Don't you realize that our personality is as unique as a fingerprint. No one has the exact same personality traits. Differences in upbringing, environment, personal experiences and genetics all play roles in shaping one's personality traits. Eigh, I just read some worthwhile articles about human's unique behavior profile. Actually, I'm very excited to repost it here on my blog. Hopefully it will also be worth for you ;;)

The concept of a behaviour profile was developed in the late 1920’s as a result of psychologist Dr. William Marston’s theory that there are four basic personality typesD for Dominant, I for Influencer, S for Steady and C for Compliant (or DISC for short).

Over the years, different versions of the same theory developed including BEST (Bold-Expressive-Sympathetic-Technical). However, there are four distinct groupings of personalities, based on Dr. Gary Couture’s version, using bird names: Doves, Eagle, Peacock, and Owl.

The ‘bird’ version has become quite popular as most people can relate easier to a visual object like a bird, rather than just a descriptive word. For this reason, we’ll go with Dr. Couture’s ‘bird’ version – besides, wouldn’t you rather describe yourself as an ‘Eagle’ or ‘Dove’ instead of ‘Dominant’ or 'Compliant’?

You and I fit into one of these basic personality types, which define the way we interact with other people, the way we go about life, our personal drivers and how we succeed. We will often relate better to people who have a similar behaviour profile, and find other behaviour patterns annoying and maybe even a little intimidating.

But more importantly, these behaviours have a major impact on how we progress through life.
So what are the 4 behaviour types? In a nutshell they are:
1. Dove
Dove: The compassionate and peaceful dove. The dove is people-orientated, loyal, friendly, hard working and a great team player but tends to avoid change, confrontation, risk-taking and assertiveness.
2. Owl
Owl: The wise owl. The owl is logical, mathematically minded, methodical and sometimes seen as a perfectionist. The owl can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. Owls are not big risk takers but love detail.
3. Peacock
Peacock: The showy peacock. The peacock loves talking, being the centre of attention, has passion/ enthusiasm and is happy/ optimistic. Peacocks can be accused of talking too much, and aren’t good with detail or time-control.
4. Eagle
Eagle: The bold eagle. Eagles are dominant, stimulated by challenge, decisive and direct. Eagles can be blunt/ stubborn, can lose sight of the big-picture and can be insensitive to other people’s needs. Eagles are natural achievers.
So, what's yours?

Friday 12 August 2011

Magic Genie! Let's download it!

Hey Friends

Check out on this new FREE Application!!

What is it? It's GENIE (your wishmaker) 
What's Genie doing?
-> helps u to find and rank the LOWEST price when u browse online
 The lowest price with the same brand stuff, who wouldn't wish for it? J
-> And it's FREE!!

Quickly go to below link to download and install your own wishmaker!
then share this link to your friends ya:
(Don't worry friends, this is NOT a Spam!)

-> click the "GET THE FREE APP!" icon on top of the website, 
-> choose any "FLAG" u want to download. 
Feel free to contact me to know further on the GENIE!! J

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Food talks

August 5th, 2011

Slice Fish Tom Yum Soup 
Fried Fish Tom Yum Soup 
Green Tea Ice Blended & Macadamia Nuts Cookie
Garret's super melty Cheese Corn
Osho's Chasew Ramen
'hm.. too nyum nyum nyummy to be eaten :p'
Osho's Gyoza 'it's a must menu to be ordered!'
Gongcha's Matcha Milk with Adzuki Bean
Spize's Mushroom and Cheese Prata

Prata's Tissue Prata Bomb wirh Cheese Sauce
Spize's Chocolate and Banana Prata
Milo Dinosaurs
Bithday Lunch Party (part 1)
Wee Nam Kee's Roasted and Steamed Chicken
Wee Nam Kee at Novena Ville
Marche at 313 Somerset
Birthday Lunch Party (part 2)
Roasted Beef Steak with Mashed Potato
Swiss Rosti with Sausage