08. 08. 2010
Happy Birthday, Angelia Janefer Angkouw!
Selamat ulang tahun kuucapkan kepada cece tersayang. Panjang umur, sehat selalu, dan sukseslah terus menitih karirmu. Oh cece, umurmu sudah menua 1 tahun lagi rupanya. wiwi? hm.. a quarter of the century, plus twelve months, kyaaa itulah umurmu ce. Wow! Hey, sadarkah kamu, kalau kamu sudah cukup umur to be married loh ce ck! hihihihi.. Ohya sebelumnya, ini aku unggah video dan foto-foto mengenang hari ulang tahunmu ya ce.
Hope you'll always enjoy these precious moments.
Happy Birthday part 1.
What : Janefer's Birthday Celebration
When : August 8th, 2010
Where : Saung Greenville
Who : Papi, Mami, Angelia Janefer, Thedy Zheng, Stella Fransiska, Yoseph Nicolaus, Yoan Natalia
How : Visiting grandma's house and held a big-small durian-birthday party (oh! haha.) Continued by having supper of delicious seafood as the main dishes and birthday cake as our dessert.
These are some cute pictures of our su(p)per-dishes:
Kepiting betina saus padang.
Ikan Kuwek bakar bumbu.
Kepiting Asap jantan dan sambal cobek.
Udang goreng telur asin.
Double Chocolate Cake, Dapur Cokelat.
Happy Birthday part 2.
Happy Birthday, Angelia Janefer! ♥
Hope you'll always enjoy these precious moments ♥