Tuesday, 20 July 2010

more than fun

hebat. lucu. menyenangkan. hihi tahukah anda? semenjak adanya kemunculan mall baru ini di area dekat rumahku, mall ini benar-benar sangat menyita waktu kami sekeluarga di rumah. mm kalo diperhatikan secara jeli, sepertinya dalam seminggu pasti ada aja minimal 1 hari salah satu dari orang rumah ke sini hihi. dan sepertinya si mall baru ini, yang lebih akrab kusebut "cp" ini benar-benar sangat nyaman bagiku. kalo uda menghirup atmosfir central park, kekhawatiran (tidak dijemput) atau ketakutanku (lonely) semuanya luntur dan sepertinya aku sudah terbiasa berjalan, berkeliling, atau bahkan berlari sendirian di sini. rasanya banyak banget hal yang bisa dilakukan di sini, walaupun sebenernya masih aga kosong sih hihi. oya sampailah akhirnya aku sadar kalau tertanggal 12-18 Juli 2010;
LATEST FACT #1: 5 dari 7 hari dalam seminggu tersebut, CP telah kukunjungi tanpa ada penolakan hati
LATEST FACT #2: 3 dari 5 hari tersebut, kunjungan disertai pula dengan santapan sushi tei

ini kudokumentasikan ya, beberapa gambar terpilih yang cukup menyenangkan dan menggiurkan dari sekian banyak gambar menyenangkan lainnya:

Despicable Me. (cute Agnes!)


wowiii~ seneng sih. hihi lucuu. ooh tergiuur. ooh ngiler. ooh nyamaaan. ooh more than fun! :)

Friday, 16 July 2010

seven golden rules of life

don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life. relationships work best when they are balanced.

never explain yourself to anyone. because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who doesn't like you wont believe it.

when you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free. when you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time. when you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come.

when we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. choice is yours.

we make them cry who care for us. we cry for those who never care for us. and we care for those who will never cry for us. this is the truth of life, it's strange but true. once you realize this, it's never too late to change.

don't make promise when you are in joy. don't reply when you are sad. don't take decision when you are angry. think twice, act twice.

time is like river. you can't touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again

wow! CUTE, isn't it? haha I can't help not to reblog it. but, sorry.. I couldn't find the real source.

am I a nice person?

If we can not love the person whom we see, how can we love God whom we can not see? ~Mother Theresa


In a day, when you don't come across any problems - you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path. ~Swami Vivekananda

"Life indeed would be dull, if there were no such difficulties."
- doc pics by: www.google.com/imglanding

Community Development 1 by Prasetiya Mulya Business School

Oleh: Yoan Natalia

Kilau surya menyambut awal hariku
Gugusan kasih menyelimuti alur hidupku

Untaian pinta Kau penuhi nan teliti
Tak satu pun Kau lewati dan ingkari

Insan tak total jumpanya tiada janji
Terlukis jua sosok membekas perih

Isak tangis pun menyertai tiada henti
Merasuk nyeri bukti simpati

Warna-warni berlimpah tanpa terkecuali
Ya.. Patut kusyukuri tiada lagi sembunyi

~dedicated to: Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro

Prasetiya Mulya Business School's student, especially the 5th batch of group 4 class A and B got an honored to do our social missions -as our accomplishment of Community Development subject- at Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro. Ironically, all the children who were treated here, were disabled or handicapped. Here are the picture of several kids, who were attracting our attention the most:

 Berti! (Hydrocephalus)                                                                                          Yasmin! (Mycrocephali)

             Amir! (Gizi Buruk)                                                                                                                 Lia! (Mycrocephali) 
Ubay! Ucup! (Dev. Delayed, CP)                                                                                            Nurul! (Lumpuh Layu)

Jelita! (CP)
Yasmin! (Mycrocephali)

Our Social Work started on April 20th 2010 and ended on June 1st 2010. Besides, we also organized the final event there as our peak Social Project, namely Fun and Green Mother Wing, which was held on June 26th 2010. Luckily, all the things had gone alright at the end, albeit not as well as our expectation at the beginning of the "Badut Show". We supposed all the kids would be glad, laugh, or at least smile mildly because of the attendance of the 2 clowns (Om Badut and Winnie The Pooh). Apparently, we faced the fact that all the kids were scared, one didn't want to enter the room at all, one cried a lot, and most of them were sitting quietly and starring horribly in fear of the clowns. -I'm  really really sorry to you all. But, Aldo and me had to leave you all and got to go to the campus.- Ooh..  Wow! So glad to hear that the clowns could dilute the horrible atmosphere and handle it well till the end. Well, here are the picture of our last visit (missions) at Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro:


HUGE Thanks to: Prasetiya Mulya Business School and Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro

Menjadi Social Young Entrepreneur, jangan mementingkan kekayaan, kesuksesan, serta pamor yang berkelimpahan semata, tetapi juga jiwa sosial, kerendahan hati, serta rasa syukur

Ballance in "physical and spiritual richnesses" among us
last but not least:
Prasetiya Mulya Business School 
doesn't build us as an Economic Animal, 
but builds us as a Social Entrepreneur.